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Zoom Phone Review: A Better Enterprise Phone Solution for your Business

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Author: Mike Walsh | CEO
Zoom Phone Review: A Better Enterprise Phone Solution for your Business

Historically, enterprise phone systems were designed for traditional workplaces. Complex conference room hubs, desktop phone sets and complicated keypad combinations aren’t meant for streamlined business communications with associates on the move, working in the office and connecting from home. As more businesses adopt flexible work schedules and hybrid or remote teams, a powerful and innovative phone system is a necessary investment.

Zoom’s updated cloud phone system unifies all your business communications with video, voice and messaging on a single platform, a solution that scales from small business to enterprise organizations. Zoom Phone delivers a frictionless communications experience that enables Zoom customers to work where and when they choose.

Peace of Mind

Zoom Phone provides secure, high-definition voice conversations protected with SRTP to encrypt the voice media streams; SIP signaling uses TLS 1.2 authentication.

Already Using Zoom?

For US and Canadian customers, Zoom Phone is available as an add-on to your existing account, or create a new account now and onboard the full suite of communications services.

Zoom Phone uses the same Windows/MacOS desktop and iOS/Android mobile apps you already use for Zoom Meetings and Chat. Zoom Phone also supports a variety of traditional telephone devices (here’s a list of supported devices).

Migrate Your Existing Domestic US and 800 Numbers to Zoom

Zoom Phone supports Local Number Portability (LNP) and porting existing toll-free numbers. Customers may also choose new phone numbers (including 800, 866, 877, and 888 numbers).

Users can customize the Caller ID number presented to the party they are trying to reach by selecting their own personal DID, a company main number, or even another user’s phone number if that privilege is enabled.

Emergency calling within the United States and Canada is fully supported. Where required by law, Zoom also supports E911. Location information can be assigned at the account, branch office, and individual user level.

Next-Generation Features

Zoom Phone users can effortlessly transition from a Zoom Phone Call to a Zoom Meeting without disconnecting mid-conversation. Easily add or merge a third party to any existing phone call on demand. Zoom Phone integrates with Salesforce for one-click calls, and partners with Five9 and Twilio call-centers for quality customer experiences.

Take Advantage of Visual Voicemail and Automatic Transcription

Voicemail is accessible from the Phone tab in the mobile and desktop Zoom applications. Voicemail notifications can be delivered to your email inbox with the transcription and audio attachment. Users can customize notification preferences to suit how they do business.

Calling Plans Where You Need Them

In addition to individual users, with the latest version of Zoom Rooms, you can assign a Zoom Phone calling plan and phone number to a Zoom Room to make outbound calls from your conference room.

Available calling plans:

  • Metered Calling: All external PSTN calls are charged on a per minute basis
  • Unlimited US and Canada Calling: Unlimited calling to destinations within the United States and Canada, international calls are charged at a metered rate

Both Metered and Unlimited PSTN calling plans include unlimited extension-to-extension calling.

Enterprise phone systems have been a business communication industry standard for years, and for good reason; VoIP’s are workhorses, designed to give your business’s phone, fax, texting, and front desk functionality and polish. Chances are your business also uses a video conferencing platform for conferencing, remote meetings, or webinars. What if you could combine all the features you love about your enterprise phone system with a sophisticated, award winning, video-first conferencing platform?

Zoom Phone is an affordable alternative to expensive, standalone enterprise phone systems. Are you ready to take advantage of the lightweight, streamlined options Zoom Phone has to offer? Want more specifics on how to combine your business phone and video conferencing into a single product? DGI is ready to help you bring your business communications to the next level.

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Mike Walsh | CEO

Mike Walsh is a 15+ year veteran in the audio visual industry, bringing extensive knowledge of AV design, implementation, service and sales to DGI. Mike is high energy, providing leadership and driving innovation for the diverse divisions that make up our company. He’s also led a team that was recognized as the top integration firm serving educational markets in the country two years running.

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